NISA'fyanisa1214@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<div class="body"> <div class="description"> <p align="justify"> </p> <p align="justify"><strong><em>CENDEKIA: Media Komunikasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam </em></strong> (<a href="">P-ISSN 2086-0641</a> | <a href="">E-ISSN 2685-046X</a>) published by Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Billfath. The Cendekia Journal was created to accommodate scientific work in the form of research or papers made in the form of diaries, especially in the fields of Education, Learning, and Islamic Development. </p> </div> </div> The Message of Da'wah in The Hati Suhita Film With A Roland Barthes Semiotic Approach: Perspectives of Morality, Sharia, and Faith2025-03-28T12:53:43+00:00Adinda<p>This study analyzes the da'wah messages in the film Hati Suhita using Roland Barthes' semiotic approach to explore the meanings of denotation, connotation, and myth in five key scenes. This research employs a qualitative method with a semiotic analysis technique that focuses on visual signs, dialogues, and symbols in the film to interpret the conveyed da'wah messages. Data were collected through film observation and documentation of scenes containing da'wah elements. The film portrays the struggles of a young woman named Suhita in facing the challenges of an arranged marriage, emotional turmoil, and the search for true love within the bonds of marriage. The findings indicate that the film effectively conveys da'wah messages about sacrifice, patience, sincerity, and the importance of communication in family life. Additionally, the film emphasizes the role of women in maintaining self-respect and marital happiness within an Islamic context. The novelty of this research lies in the application of semiotic analysis to understand da'wah messages in film as a medium for conveying Islamic values relevant to contemporary issues. This study provides a significant contribution to da'wah studies through film media, which serves as a bridge between Islamic values and the challenges of modern life.</p>2025-02-05T06:54:49+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia Moral Message of How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies Movie (Semiotic Analysis of Charles Sanders Pierce)2025-03-28T12:53:23+00:00M Susanto Syahputra Manaor<p>This study aims to analyze the moral message in the film How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies through Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic approach, which includes three main elements: signs, objects, and interpretants. The research method used is qualitative with content analysis techniques. Data were collected through documentation techniques, namely by watching the film in-depth, noting key scenes, and identifying relevant semiotic signs. Data analysis was carried out by interpreting the relationship between the film's signs, objects, and interpretants to reveal the meaning of the moral message contained therein. This film conveys a number of important moral messages, especially regarding family values and love that are more meaningful than material wealth. The moral messages raised include: wealth is not everything, genuine care and attention have more value than material gain, sacrifice in the family is a form of priceless affection, and the importance of appreciating time with family before it is too late. In addition, this film also highlights the importance of forgiving and forgetting past mistakes to find inner peace. The character of Amah, who is depicted as a loving figure, teaches that the true legacy is not physical wealth, but memories, love, and values that are passed on to the next generation. The transformation of the grandson's character, who initially only cared about inheritance, into an individual who cares more about emotional relationships, illustrates the journey towards a deeper understanding of the meaning of happiness. Through this analysis, the study shows that the film How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies offers a reflection on the importance of family relationships, sacrifice, and true love that goes beyond material things. The results of this analysis not only enrich the study of semiotics by explaining the relationship between signs and moral messages in films but also contribute to the understanding of how films can be a medium for conveying moral values that are relevant to people's lives.</p>2025-02-06T15:42:39+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia of The Management of Islamic Spiritual Organizations (ROHIS) as A Strategy to Improve Islamic Religious Education Learning in High Schools2025-03-28T12:52:59+00:00Septi<p><em>This study analyzes the optimization of the management of the Islamic Spirituality Organization (Rohis) as a strategy to enhance the learning of Islamic Education at SMA Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan. The main issues in PAI learning are the limited time and the overly theoretical approach. Using a mixed-methods approach, data were collected through interviews, observations, and questionnaires from 41 active Rohis students. The findings show that structured management of Rohis increased student participation by 80.5% and significantly strengthened their understanding of PAI material. Full support from the school was a key success factor, while students' time constraints posed the main challenge. This study offers innovative strategies such as religious competitions, regular religious discussions, and the use of social media to improve the effectiveness of Rohis activities. The novelty of this research lies in the development of specific optimization steps for Rohis that can be applied in other schools, including cross-organization collaboration, the provision of dedicated spaces, and the integration of Islamic values practically in student activities.</em></p>2025-02-07T18:48:05+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia Analysis: Trends and Patterns of Islamic Studies Theories and Methods in The Last Five Years2025-03-28T12:52:40+00:00Agus Faisal Asyhawarsiyah1281@gmail.comYeni Astutiyeniastuti4545@gmail.comAhmad Faisol<p>This study aims to analyze trends, citation patterns, and collaborations in research related to the theory and methods of Islamic Studies over the past five years to provide an in-depth understanding of the development of theory and methods in Islamic Studies, identify significant contributions from journals, researchers, and institutions, and uncover research gaps that could be opportunities for further development. The bibliometric method used includes collecting data from Google Scholar using the Publish or Perish application, which is then visualized with VOSviewer software to analyze collaboration patterns, publication trends, and citation networks. The study also integrates quantitative and qualitative analysis to provide a richer interpretation of the data. The results show that publications in Islamic Studies experienced a significant increase in 2023 with the highest number of studies, although there was a decline in 2024. Other key findings include the dominance of traditional methods such as interpretation in research, although contemporary approaches such as phenomenology and comparative methods continue to evolve. However, there are gaps in cross-disciplinary integration and broader international collaboration. The novelty and contribution of this research lies in its comprehensive approach in combining bibliometric methods and qualitative analysis to map the development of Islamic Studies theory and methods, as well as identifying unanswered research gaps. The study not only provides insight into the latest scientific trends and patterns but also offers strategic recommendations to improve the quality and relevance of research in this field in the future.</p>2025-02-09T06:43:19+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia Student Life Regulations for Religious Character Development in Islamic<p>This research aims to describe the implementation of religious character building at CT Arsa Foundation Sukoharjo High School by integrating faith values in every aspect of education. In facing the challenges of globalization and an increasingly complex moral crisis, CT Arsa Foundation High School plays a crucial role in shaping a young generation that is not only intellectually intelligent but also has a strong religious character. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects consisted of homeroom teachers who also acted as foster guardians, Islamic Religious Education teachers, and three students who the Islamic Religious Education teacher directly selected. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and document analysis. Thematic Analysis was used in the research analysis. The results show that religious character building is successfully implemented through a holistic approach that includes various scheduled activities, such as congregational prayer, morning roll call, evening roll call, and tadarus, which aim to internalize the values of faith in daily life. In addition, implementing the Learner Life Regulations (PERDUPDIK) also plays an important role in strengthening this religious character-building process. Thus, SMA Unggulan CT Arsa Foundation not only produces a generation with religious character and is ready to face global challenges, but also a generation that has a good character.</p>2025-02-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia Islamic Education: A Study of The Concept of Fitrah-Based Education by Harry Santosa2025-03-28T12:52:01+00:00Lya Nuranisalyanuranisa45@upi.eduSaepul Anwarsaefull@upi.eduMokh. Iman<p>This study aims to examine the design of Islamic education based on human fitrah through an analysis of the Fitrah Education concept by Harry Santosa. This research was conducted using a literature review method, which involved collecting data from various sources such as books, journals, and other literature. The collected data was then analyzed through several stages, including abstraction, interpretation, and conclusion. The findings indicate that the design of Islamic education based on fitrah, as developed by Harry Santosa, involves several key components. First, educational objectives must align with the mission of human creation. Second, the development of students' characteristics is carried out based on eight dimensions of fitrah. Third, the learning method utilizes an operational framework table. Fourth, the implementation of a reflection journal serves as an evaluation system. Theoretically, these findings enrich the study of Islamic education by providing a more holistic perspective on understanding students' fitrah potential. Educational institutions can adapt this concept into their curriculum and learning strategies to create an educational environment that better suits students' natural needs. This approach is expected to shape individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also aware of their role and responsibilities as caliphs on earth.</p>2025-02-26T13:49:42+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia of Inclusive Education Policies in Primary Schools: Islamic Perspectives in Comparative Studies Between Indonesia and Developed Countries2025-03-28T12:51:42+00:00May Yatimayyati3105@gmail.comSriyatimayyati3105@gmail.comFahmi<p>This study aims to systematically analyze the literature related to the implementation of inclusive education policies in primary schools from an Islamic perspective: a comparative study between Indonesia and other countries, as well as conduct a comparative study with best practices in developed countries, to explore the factors that support the success of inclusive education in these countries. Thus, this study will not only describe the current situation but also contribute to improving the quality of inclusive education at the primary school level in Indonesia. This study is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) research using bibliometric analysis, the researcher conducted a visualization using VOSviewer software with co-occurrence analysis to describe the study of the critical thinking ability of elementary school students. Based on the results of a systematic literature review of 42 articles on the implementation of inclusive education policies in elementary schools both in Indonesia and in developed countries, 4 clusters identified four main interrelated themes: handling specific learning disorders, handling autism, education policies, and social aspects of inclusive education. Key challenges include system integration difficulties, resource limitations, and digital competency gaps while supporting factors include comprehensive policies, ongoing professional development, and structured support systems. The study concludes that the successful implementation of inclusive education policies requires a contextual approach that considers the unique challenges and potentials of each country, supported by multi-stakeholder collaboration, continuous professional development, and comprehensive policies, with recommendations for strengthening adaptive policies, developing sustainable teacher training programs, and continuing research on the impact of inclusive policies.</p>2025-02-27T13:13:02+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia of Islamic Boarding Schools in Improving Inner Peace of The Elderly Through The Concept of Qolbu Management2025-03-28T12:51:23+00:00Gheriyya Rahimagheriyyaarhm@upi.eduWawan Hermawanwawan_hermawan@upi.eduRisris Hari<p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to analyze the implementation of the concept of Manajemen Qolbu at Pondok Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid Bandung to enhance the inner peace of elderly students in the Golden Age Pesantren Program. This research employs a mixed method, involving 20 elderly students from PMK Batch 67, aged between 45 and 80 years. Data were collected through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and open-ended questionnaires. Based on the analysis of the obtained data, it was found that the implementation of Manajemen Qolbu at PMK Daarut Tauhiid has a significant positive impact on the inner peace of elderly students. As many as 74% of the students reported improved emotional management, 85-90% experienced better inner peace, and 57.1% felt stronger in facing life's challenges. This program also contributed to the enhancement of the quality of worship and spiritual closeness to Allah, with 78% of participants feeling closer to God after participating in the program. This research concludes that Manajemen Qolbu not only helps the elderly overcome anxiety and fear but also empowers them to lead a more meaningful life. Recommendations from this study include the application of the concept of Manajemen Qolbu in Islamic educational institutions to expand its benefits, particularly for the elderly in society, as well as developing more systematic and sustainable programs to support the inner well-being of the elderly.</p>2025-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia Ethical Values in Islamic Education through Arabic Language Learning: A Conceptual Integration2025-03-28T12:51:04+00:00Nafiatur Rasyidahnafiaturrasyidahapps@gmail.comMuhammad Fadli<p>This study explores the integration of Islamic educational ethics in Arabic language learning, highlighting essential ethical values for both teachers and students. Through a qualitative library research approach this article aims to understand 2 things. First, how the concept of educational ethics in the Islamic view; and second, how to integrate the concept of educational ethics in the Islamic view with Arabic language learning. Data is obtained through in-depth literacy studies on literature sources in the form of books and scientific articles related to ethical theory in Islam and Islamic education. The resulting data is then analyzed with data condensation, then presenting the data, and finally drawing conclusions. From the results of the literature review conducted, it was found that in the learning process, Islam regulates ethical aspects that must be applied primarily by students and teachers in the teaching and learning process in the classroom such as first, in terms of students: (1) Respect for the teacher; (2) Confident in the teacher's knowledge; (3) Tawadhu'; (4) Patience; (5) Obey; (6) Patience and Tenacity; (7) Sincerity in seeking knowledge; (8) Position the teacher as an example; and second, in terms’s of teacher: (1) Teaching with the sincere intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah; (2) Intend to spread knowledge; (3) Uphold the truth and broadcast falsehood; (4) Always pray for his disciples; (5) Use language that is easy for students to digest; (6) Show concern for each student; (7) Be well-groomed and purify first; (8) Get used to prayer when starting learning; (9) Reflect at the end of each lesson; (10) Carry out evaluations authentically; (11) Position oneself as an example that can be emulated by his students. The integration of all these points in Arabic language learning shows a close and crucial relationship in an effort to bring fun, quality, and meaningful learning for students.</p>2025-03-08T10:42:01+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia of Dhikr and Sufistic Meditation in Islamic Religious Education: An Analysis of Al-Ghazali's Thought and Its Implications2025-03-28T12:50:45+00:00Irfan Rizkiana Raja Nugrahairfanrrn@upi.eduAgus Fakhruddinagusfakhruddin@upi.eduCucu<p>This study aims to explore and formulate the concept of dhikr (remembrance of God) and Sufi meditation as part of the development of teaching methods in Islamic Religious Education (PAI), with a focus on improving moral character and enhancing students' mental well-being. The study employs a qualitative approach using a literature review method, following Cooper’s six steps: (1) defining the research problem, (2) collecting data, (3) evaluating data, (4) analyzing and organizing information, (5) interpreting findings, and (6) presenting results. The primary data source for this study is Ihya Ulumuddin by Al-Ghazali, complemented by secondary sources such as books and scholarly journal articles. The findings conclude that integrating dhikr and meditation into teaching methods not only facilitates the transformation of students’ moral character but also helps reduce stress, enhance psychological tranquility, and strengthen spiritual awareness. Theoretically, this research contributes to the academic discourse on integrating dhikr and meditation into Islamic education pedagogy<strong>.</strong> Practically, implementing this method can help students improve focus, alleviate stress, fill spiritual voids, and refine their moral character.</p>2025-03-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia Strategies of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Facing Religious Diversity in Junior High School Students2025-03-28T12:50:26+00:00Nicky Estu Putu Arfan Mu'<p>This study aims to examine the resilience strategies of Islamic Education teachers in facing religious diversity at SMPN 1 Lamongan. This research employs a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection was conducted through interviews with two students and one Islamic Education teacher, as well as observations. The data analysis technique follows Creswell’s thematic analysis, which includes organizing data, coding, identifying code patterns, classifying, interpreting, and presenting data. The study ensures credibility through data triangulation. The findings indicate that the main challenge faced is the imbalance in the number of majority and minority religious students, which is addressed through classroom clustering. Although this approach poses a risk of segregation, the school principal mitigates it through various policies, such as (1) scripture memorization programs, (2) religious study forums, and (3) student involvement in academic, non-academic, and religious activities. Islamic Education teachers demonstrate resilience strategies, including emotional regulation and impulse control, self-efficacy, and optimism.</p>2025-03-13T01:04:40+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia Thought Progressive Radical Reform: an Analytical Study of Tariq Ramadan's Concept of Ijtihad2025-03-28T12:50:08+00:00Ahmad Dzulkarnaendzheee09@gmail.comFathiyaturrahmahfathiyaturrahmah75@gmail.comAbdul<p>This research aims to analyze the concept of ijtihad renewal using Radical Reform initiated by Tariq Ramadan, by focusing on ijtihad as a topic of study to develop Islamic law. In the research, the research is based on qualitative methods with the type of literature review, as well as descriptive and historical content analysis of relevant sources. The results of this study are that the concept proposed in an organized manner by Ramadan is an appropriate step in the development of Islamic law, the demand for the birth of contemporary fiqh requires a critical and rational reading of the text through the ijtihad approach. However, while this spirit of reform is relevant, there are strict conditions that must be met to conduct ijtihad, both in terms of the qualifications of the mujtahid and other conditions. This is important to ensure that the resulting law is following the correct provisions of the Shari'ah.</p>2025-03-15T07:25:57+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia of Digital Learning Media for Islamic Education: Increasing Students' Interest in Learning 2025-03-28T12:49:49+00:00Afifah Nur<p>This study aims to describe the optimization of digital learning media in Islamic Education to increase students' interest in learning at SMAN 3 Boyolali. Along with the development of technology, digital media has become an increasingly relevant strategy to create more interactive and engaging learning. The method used is descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation. The study results show that using digital media such as Canva, Video, Google Classroom, Google Drive, Quizizz, and ClassPoint increases students' interest in learning based on four primary indicators: feelings of pleasure, interest, attention, and engagement. Canva and Video have proven more effective in increasing students' interest and understanding through attractive visual displays, while Quizizz and ClassPoint encourage active student engagement through gamification elements. Google Classroom and Google Drive function as a means of distributing materials and managing assignments, although they have limitations in terms of interactivity. Optimizing digital media in Islamic Education learning contributes to increasing interest in learning and encourages creating more dynamic learning to meet students' needs in the digital era. Therefore, teachers need to improve their skills in utilizing digital media through ongoing training. Schools are expected to strengthen their technological infrastructure, and further research using quantitative methods is required to measure the impact of digital media use on student learning outcomes in a more measurable manner.</p>2025-03-15T08:06:32+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia of The Implementation of Qur'an Learning Using The Iqra' Method in Elementary Schools2025-03-28T12:49:31+00:00Putri Nur Wahyu<p>This study analyzes the effectiveness of the Iqra method in improving elementary school students' reading ability in the public school environment. It aims to explore how the Iqra method can be adapted in the formal education system, especially in the context of public elementary schools, which have limited religious lesson hours and heterogeneous student reading abilities. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study design. Data was collected through classroom observations, in-depth interviews with teachers and students, and analysis of documents related to learning the Qur'an. The study results show that the Iqra' method applied systematically, combined with interactive learning media and formative-based evaluation systems, significantly improves students' Qur'an reading ability. Students who initially had difficulties in recognizing and prociting hijaiyah letters showed a gradual improvement in fluency and reading accuracy after participating in Iqra'-based learning. These findings confirm that the Iqra' method is not only effective in non-formal educational environments such as TPA, but can also be optimally implemented in the public elementary school system with the right strategy. This study has a scientific contribution by highlighting how the Iqra' method can be integrated in formal education systems with structural limitations, which has been rarely studied in previous studies.</p>2025-03-16T08:02:05+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia and Obligations of Children With Special Needs in Islamic Religious Education: A Study of Tarbawi Hadith2025-03-28T12:49:13+00:00Utami Qonita Rahmiutamiqonitarahmi@upi.eduElan Sumarnaelansumarna@upi.eduCucu<p>Inclusive education in Islamic Religious Education is an important element in providing equal opportunities for Children with Special Needs. This research analyzes the rights and obligations of Children with Special Needs in Islamic Religious Education (IRE) through the perspective of educational hadiths. With a qualitative approach based on literature study, this research examines the principle of inclusivity reflected in the Prophet's hadiths, including the story of Julaibib. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman method (data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing). The research results show that the value of inclusivity in tarbawi hadith emphasizes equal rights to education for children with special needs, the importance of adaptive learning methods, and the role of teachers and the community in supporting inclusive education. The implications of this research emphasize the need for educator training and a curriculum based on Islamic values that appreciate diversity.</p>2025-03-16T15:08:26+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cendekia